
REC says diversity decisions made at the top need to filter down to recruiters

Speaking at the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) Diversity and Inclusion Forum, Chair Sarah Gordan has called for more organisations to ensure that decisions made at the top on diversity are filtering through. There is a danger she said, that line managers responsible for recruiting may not actually understand why diversity is important.

Her comments will resound with publishers within the inclusive recruitment publishing business who regularly see large organisations champion diversity but do very little to apply this ethos when they get down to recruiting. A good example would be equalities Quango the Equality and Human Rights Commission who have never used recruitment mediums created to target marginalised groups when they recruit..  

The forum now in its fifth year is held four times a year to help employers share examples of best practise in inclusive recruiting. Attendees of the forum  received a unique insight into how key note speaker Stephen Frost Head of Diversity and Inclusion at LOCOG, was successfully meeting his challenge in ensuring that 200’000 staff needed to work on the Olympic site were being hired inclusively. Stephen put his success down to the use of a network of diversity champions within the organisation as well as asking line managers to report to HR on the diversity of their teams each month.
The forum also heard from Kate Headley of the Clear Company who discussed a new toolkit for businesses recruiting people with disabilities. She identified that many employers are fearful of recruiting disabled talent but there is a real opportunity for the recruitment industry to play a role in helping employers overcome this.
Posted by Dizali Mentha
If you would like to be included in the contact list for future meetings of the Diversity and Inclusion Forum, please contact Philip Curry, External Relations Advisor: Philip.curry@rec.uk.com / 020 7009 2153.


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